Need an appraisal for an FHA-backed mortgage? Call Martins Appraisals

Martins Appraisals is MD state certified and on the FHA Roster of approved residential appraisers. We're certified and approved to do reports for FHA secured financial transactions. FHA's guidelines, documentation and policies may seem difficult to grasp, but the staff at Martins Appraisals is well-trained on how to comply with the rules and regulations provided.

If you need an appraisal for an FHA loan, please contact us, and we'll be able to help you right away.

An FHA loan is backed by the Federal Housing Administration, a federal organization within the U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD). None of the money in the loan is provided by the FHA; what the FHA does is make sure that the loan is secure in case the borrower defaults on his or her loan obligations. Low-income and moderate-income homebuyers benefit from an FHA-backed financial transaction; the purpose of the Federal Housing Administration is to aid credit-worthy potential buyers to meet expectations and necessities for lending agencies that they otherwise would not.

Down payments are often lower with an FHA loan despite using conventional market rates. FHA loan programs are extremely helpful to those buyers with less accessible starting capital.